Jet Balancing - Additive balancing method with UV-curing adhesives
Unbalance corrections on small components have so far mainly been carried out subtractively, material is removed, usually by grinding, drilling or milling. Here, undesirable forces are often exerted on the component and almost always unwanted chips are produced. The modern alternative of laser balancing with the PMB Balancer laser works without applying any force to the component. The resulting laser dust can be exhausted. However, traces of it remain on the component. Furthermore, all these subtractive methods require sacrificial mass that can be removed.
But what if there is not enough sacrificial mass on the component? If there are no surfaces where material can be removed without endangering the stability and trouble-free functioning of the component? Or if a machining mass compensation involves the risk of contamination getting into already mounted bearings or electronics?
For exactly these balancing tasks we have developed the "JET balancing", an additive unbalance correction with the AddMassJet® method.
Contact-free sprayed-on UV-curing adhesives correct the unbalance to within fractions of a milligram. High-precision, clean, force-free and chipless. The process is very fast and allows very good cycle rates. The AddMassJet® method is perfectly suited for series balancing of small fast-rotating components, e.g. fans and impellers, pump impellers, electric rotors, etc. - and, of course, this also applies to partially assembled components.
AddMassJet® stands for a modular balancing system that can be customized to meet specific components and requirements. The process always consists of the steps of unbalance measurement, correction by jet application of high-tech adhesives and light curing. The system can be used manually or fully automatically. Additional components such as QR/DMC scanners, conveyor belts etc. can be integrated. As usual with PMB, the process is controlled in a user-friendly way via keyboard, touch screen and sensor buttons.
AddMassJet® systems are modular. As shown in the picture for micro-fans, the measurement can be an individually manufactured construction. The AddMassJet® procedure can also be integrated into our standard machine integration setups LB100, LB500 and the OnDesk100 and OnDesk500 tabletop balancing machines based on them.
Mass correction is then performed directly in the measuring station or cycle time optimized on a jet station. The precisely determined unbalance is corrected accordingly by spraying on suitable high-tech adhesives. We are pleased that the AddMassJet® method now provides us with an additive correction option that is just as accurate as our unbalance measurement. With up to 150 shots per second and a dosing accuracy of 0.25 mg per shot, the correction is also very fast and clean.
The choice of adhesive depends on the material of the component, the required density of the adhesive and the later operating conditions such as ambient temperature and medium. We will be happy to supply you with balanced samples of your components and assemblies for appropriate release tests. Whether mounted and driven by us or with self-bearing and self-propulsion: high-precision unbalance measurement is our specialty.
UV curing
Light curing by irradiation with UV light from special LED lamps can also be performed directly on the measuring module or in a separate station to optimize cycle times. In automated systems with several stations, the component runs e.g. on a conveyor belt under the UV lamp. The curing process can be controlled very well by UV light and is only a few seconds fast, a real advantage over 2K systems such as balancing putty.
By the way: We use LED lamps, which have been available for several years now and are characterized by significantly higher reliability, more constant output and less heat input than the gas discharge lamps, which are still common in some cases.

Your Inquiry
Do you have any questions about our balancing process or would you like to request a quote? Send us an e-mail or use our contact form. We will contact you as soon as possible.
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