Customer testimonial about our balancing technology
Optimal balancing for powerful tool spindles “Made in Germany”
SPINOGY was founded in July 2020 with the mission to produce high-quality, high-performance, compact and beautifully designed motor spindles Made in Germany. We, the founders Marcel Linke, Andreas Schleifer, Dominik Eschenbach and Marc Schmidt-Winterstein have previously worked together at an established spindle manufacturer for over five years and were able to gain a lot of experience there, including in the field of balancing spindles. We have known PMB Bobertag and Dr. Manfred Bobertag personally since 2016. From the beginning, we were convinced by the competent advice and the products of PMB Bobertag. At the EMO 2019 in Hannover, the OnDesk 500 was finally demonstrated to us and we were able to convince ourselves of the very good and precise quality.
The decision to purchase the OnDesk500 for SPINOGY was therefore very easy for us, as the values of precision and quality are also very important for our products. The entire development, production, assembly and, above all, the balancing of the spindle takes place at our company in Weiterstadt to supply our customers with a product that bears the Made in Germany seal of quality.
Our product portfolio (2021) includes motor spindles in the power class up to 7.5 kW with manual and automatic tool change. As a system supplier, we offer our customers the appropriate accessories, such as cooling unit and control, at the same time and thus provide an optimally aligned system.
During the development of the spindle, in addition to an attractive design, particular attention was paid to building a compact and lightweight spindle to achieve speeds of 50,000 rpm and more in conjunction with optimum balancing.
A special feature is that our spindles are based on a modular system. This allows the customer to configure his spindle individually and we can supply him with a spindle tailored to his benefit.
“Balancing is one of the most important work steps in the creation process of a motor spindle. With the OnDesk500, we achieve the desired results quickly and precisely, and can thus efficiently ensure the quality of our products. As with our products, the OnDesk500 combines well thought-out functions and the highest quality with an appealing design, and the whole thing is Made in Germany.” -Andreas Schleifer (Founder)
“The values of both SPINOGY and PMB Bobertag coincide in what is also the most important point for us: excellent customer service. We know that we can rely on Mr. Bobertag and his team at all times. The decision for OnDesk500 and PMB Bobertag was therefore very easy for us.” -Marcel Linke (Founder)