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Balancing expertise for the aerospace industry

Satellite components such as reaction wheels are essential for the precise control of the satellite’s orientation in space and are therefore subject to very stringent requirements. As experts in the field of balancing, we understand these high requirements and offer customised solutions from prototype support to series production. 6 leading aerospace companies already benefit from our experience.

Our portfolio includes not only the production of universal and specialised balancing machines but also, as a reliable service provider, fast and flexible balancing as a service. If you have a particularly urgent order and your PMB balancing machine is still under construction, our balancing service will take over.

Whether you need a quick fix or long-term support for serial production, we have the right solution for your response wheel requirements. Our expertise and experience ensure that the highest quality standards are met.

Feel free to contact us to find out how we can support your projects efficiently, accurately and on time.


Your contact for press enquiries

Markus Dörr - Marketing & Vertrieb
Hertelsbrunnenring 9
67657 Kaiserslautern

Tel.: +49 631 20 40 15 12

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